Friday, December 09, 2005

Re: Bush sending cards that say ‘Happy Holidays’ rather than ‘Happy Christmas’.

I find it difficult to see what is offensive about the words ‘Happy Christmas’. Consider the etymology of the word; Christ’s festival. The reason that December 25th is a public holiday is that it is the date on which the birth of Christ is celebrated by Christians. Dec. 25th is a public holiday in the US, irrespective of peoples’ beliefs, or lack thereof. Would it be better if only practising Christians were given a day off and all others had to work? And if a person does not celebrate Christmas, why send them a card at all?

I googled some sites that sell Ramadan greeting cards but I couldn’t find any that say ‘happy holidays, non-believer’(they say things like ‘Allah’s Blessings be with you’). I wonder if non-Muslims living in Islamic countries receive cards from the government that say ‘happy holidays’ during Ramadan celebrations? Or non-Jews from the Israeli state during Hannukah?

I did find a Christmas/Hannukah dual purpose card, which is a little bizarre, if touchingly pluralist.

Political correctness is, for the most part, a good thing. It is fine and proper that sexist/racist/homophobic etc language is condemned. However, it can suck the life out of language too. On a linguistic level I like the word Christmas. It’s evocative of a particular season. Happy holidays, to my ear, is bland and generic.

There’s a lot of scary stuff happening in the world:

Arnie deciding whether a man should live or die (would you want the Terminator deciding your fate? A little inauspicious that)
People getting sick
Kids being abused
Donald Rumsfeld talking.
About anything at all

Not Christmas cards.


At 5:19 PM, Blogger Name said...

I agree. What does it matter? It feels like someone's trying to deflect attention away from any number of issues that actually matter. How about the earthquake in Pakistan that no one cares about. Or Thailand a year on from the tsunami. Terror suspects being tortured on European soil. White House staff leaks and impeachments.

But Happy Holidays? Gimme a break.

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Declan Cashin said...

It's insane but would be expect any less from Dubya?


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