I visited the famed Hill of Tara at the weekend. It's a hill, or rather a series of hills. In Tara. It is windswept. It draws tourists like you wouldn't believe. Did I mention it's a series of hills? In Tara? That's about it. To be fair, we didn't stick around long. Large groups of tourists and windswept locales do not agree with me. Maybe something happens if you wait for long enough.
Of more interest is the cafe-cum-shop next to the hill(s). It sells Hill-related items. Browsing through the pagan-themed books on display, I came across a work with the following title: Silver Moon: Your Magical Guide to Working with the Moon. (I seem to be coming across rather a lot of odd books in Co. Meath these days) I noted that the book was:
A. A manual. Like you can actually work with the moon. As if it were, say, flowers or wood. An entire planet seems an unwieldy thing to work with.
B. Not one of those cheapo practical guides to lunar craft, but a magical one.
C. On sale, implying that people, presumably those intent on a spot of moon-work, actually purchase these books.
There was also a book called Love Magic: The Way to Love Through Rituals, Spells and the Magic Life. Ah, I see.
And one called Truth Fairy: The Way to the Truth without a Lie Detector Test.
I made that last one up (but only the second part). I was scanning for more loopy books when my girlfriend dragged me away to eat. My sandwich was very nice. It was called Moon Sandwich: The Way to Your Stomach without Driving Back into Navan.